Amber Deoja

Amber Deoja

Amber has an appreciation for how important positive and nurturing environments are for youth development. Her passion for motivation and encouraging young minds began as early as high school when she volunteered as a junior camp counselor for underserved youth. This continued through college; acquiring a degree in Human development with a focus on Children’s Services. She established experience as a youth advocate volunteering at camp and youth shelter venues and working as a counselor in camp and school settings including academic support as a tutor.

She has a strong compassion for youths of all backgrounds and embraces the cultural inclusion provided by trips to Nepal where she has spent one on one time engaging with the youth served by the BSF programs. Amber has been involved in the foundation since 2014 and has played an important part in nutritional guidance for the food program and in more thorough evaluations of youth backgrounds as related to emotional and academic needs. Other roles include assistance with fundraising and volunteer projects. Her official roles have been as Treasurer and currently as the acting Vice President.